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Competitiveness of Tunisian enterprises: What is the contribution of Strategic Information?

The ability to understand the business environment and to anticipate the changes is, actually, the key factor for the competitiveness and growth of the firms.

In a globalized economy, the management has placed the knowledge as the main source of value creation. Therefore, companies must imperatively remain competitive.

"Competitiveness is the ability of the company to compete with others in terms of price (competitive price) or non-price such as innovation, product quality, customer service, technological expertise.." today, It’s more than necessary for the company to understand the opportunities and threats related to globalization and information society. Remembering that this is a strategic priority for the development of Tunisian economy".

That’s what comes up from the presentation of Mr. Hosni Mahjoub, an international expert in strategy and economic development at the 7th Meeting of Mediterranean ICT and Media business, organized at El Ghazala pole of communication technologies on the 11 and 12 of June.

After explaining the role of Economic Intelligence, Mr. Mahjoub emphasized how to manage economic crisis that arise during the enterprise’s life.

For that, the firm should have the following abilities:

- To Secure its non- assets (information system, know how , brevets, ..);

- To influence “with integrity" its environment through a good communication action;

- And mainly to manage and use information in order to build a strategic vision and operational actions. This knowledge must be accessible and useful for managers and "stakeholders".

Then, companies should implement the following levels of management: operational management, tactical management and strategic management.

The characteristics of information at each level are different, for example, information related to the operational management is periodic, detailed, frequent and mostly internal, while information related to strategic management is forecasted information, irregular and mostly external.

Mr. Mahjoub, highlighted on his presentation the role of the strategy in the crisis economy. He also explained: “In the current international competitiveness, the most performing companies are the ones able to make the best use of information at the right time and place, therefore, to build and grow their strategic knowledge base".
This strategic information helps the leaders to make decisions if that information is obtained at the right time and is available for the right persons to be used".

So, the company’s strategy should be oriented towards:

- The good management of information;
- The optimization of the decision;
- And the improvement of Collaborative Working Environment (CWE);

The international expert said that the Business Intelligence is the eyes and ears of the company. Thus, "the practice of Economic Intelligence, support the strategic decision-making into a world that changes every day. Also, EI identify the opportunities or threats related to the production-management-mercantilist, employ’s incentives, driven change, organization of the company and build a company network ".

Intelligence and Information System

Concerning the relation between competitive intelligence process and the information System. Mr. Mahjoub explained “Basically, it is the capacity to organize all the procedures that gives the decision- makers a clear mapping of theirs firms into its environment and market. So, providing the right information is important to assist executive managers and to support the decision makers".

Mr. Mahjoub has also underlined that the Information System should be considered as the most important tool for good governance: It allows treating, storing information and boosting operational action. He explained that it is very important to align information system with the environment (internal and external) : "tracking opportunities, boosting the reactivity of managers into their environment market, reading events, providing the right decisions ... “It is important to allow managers to optimize the performance of their firms and to grab strategic opportunities".

"It is essential to synchronize people skills with the strategic vision of the company; this is considered as a simple managerial operation. All external and internal environment changes can impact this operation"… So, the corporate strategy identifies the Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities and Threats and analyzes their impact on the company's business.

In conclusion, he indicated that the Intelligence of the company is not limited to a simple action of tracking and monitoring information, it is important to create a synergy system that enables the content update (internal and external) of the company. This system should support the strategic management and the governance’s organization in order to prepare the expected changes (reactivity) and to influence their environments (proactively).



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