Practitioner Interview: Hosni Mahjoub Written by Andrei Costea on May 29, 2017. Posted in Interviews, Practitioner In 2017, the Performance Magazine editorial team interviewed Hosni Mahjoub, Group Head of Strategy and Performance at Batelco Group, Bahrain. His thoughts and views on Performance Management are detailed below. I think that the best way to improve performance management integration at different levels is to align the organization, the department and the individual by cascading SMART performance indicators from top to bottom and across all activities. Trends Which were the 2016 key trends in Performance Management, from your point of view? I think the emphasis on data analytics is the most important trend which allows organizations to predict employee performance and behavior. The second major trend is related to knowledge sharing and virtual collaboration. Today, many systems allow em...
The ability to understand the business environment and to anticipate the changes is, actually, the key factor for the competitiveness and growth of the firms. In a globalized economy, the management has placed the knowledge as the main source of value creation. Therefore, companies must imperatively remain competitive. "Competitiveness is the ability of the company to compete with others in terms of price (competitive price) or non-price such as innovation, product quality, customer service, technological expertise.." today, It’s more than necessary for the company to understand the opportunities and threats related to globalization and information society. Remembering that this is a strategic priority for the development of Tunisian economy". That’s what comes up from the presentation of Mr. Hosni Mahjoub, an international expert in strategy and economic development at the 7th Meeting of Mediterranean ICT and Media business, organized at El Ghazala pole of communi...